Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quailie Gets the Part

My school is having a play tomorrow, and I'll be playing an old Russian woman. I even have a line I get to say!  But even more exciting, is that one of my favorite stuffed animals, Quailie, was cast as a dove! Paul tried to get them to cast his stuffed puffin, but everyone knows what a puffin is, and it's certainly not a dove. But a lot of people ignorantly think Qualie is a pigeon when they see her, so she might as well use that to her advantage in a casting call. Whenever someone makes the mistake of saying she's a pigeon, I always speak right up and say, "Oh no, she's a California Quail."  Funny, but in German, the word for dove and pigeon is the same, "Taube" so you never really know what people mean when they say she's a "Taube." I just figure it's pigeon because of her colors. But she's a quail. [The foregoing is a paraphrase of an actual conversation]

1 comment:

  1. In this case, she is neither a quail nor a dove, she's a голубь. Or didn't you say you where playing an old Russian lady?
    Have fun, I wish I could see you playing but I'm sure dad will take a video.
